Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sand Therapy Health Center

Turfan, China -- Turfan is known by the Chinese as the "oasis of fire," the hottest, lowest place in all China, 505 feet below sea level, where the temperature of the sand dunes can climb to 176 degrees in July and August--hot enough to bake an egg. Taking advantage of climatic and geographical conditions, the locals have created a special method of curing chronic diseases - sand therapy! It is said sand burying therapy to cure chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegy, high blood pressure and neurasthenia.
Sand therapy, also called sand burying therapy, is a comprehensive treatment combining the effect of heat, massage and magnetic treatments. It cures some chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, hemiplegy, high blood pressure and neurasthenia. Turpan has many sand therapy centers such as Sand Therapy Health Center, Shanshan Desert Park and Rukqin Sand Therapy Center.
Located in Shengya County, the Sand Therapy Health Center is affiliated with Turpan Uyghur Hospital. Here is a stabilized dune which is approximately 200 meters (0.1 mile) long, 80 meters (0.05 mile) wide and 10 meters (33 feet) high. It contains more magnetite sand than other sand dunes and is an ideal place to have sand therapy.
Each year on June 5th to August 20th is the golden season in Turpan of sand treatment, and 2 to 6 clock in the afternoon of every day is the best time for buried sand. Summer, people comes from everywhere buried by sand for sand treatment. In the sand hill, colorful umbrella pergola like colorful flower, people who try sand therapy can lie or depend in the sand, not only the body buried in the hot sand, they need to keep drinking hot tea. Avoid cold drink crapulence and replenish water of hot tea in time during sand therapy.
Near the sand dune are a hospital, hostels, canteens and other conveniences to make tourists feel very comfortable. Tourists should know that those with any acute inflammation, tumor or hemorrhagic disease are forbidden to have sand therapy. In addition, Bring sun-block cream (SPF 50+) to avoid sun burn is necessary.
For more information, please visit

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